Mapa del sitio HTML
Training Courses
- Cursos de formación basados en simulación
- Phacoemulsification Simulation-based Training Course (PSTC)
- Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery Course
- Complications Management Course
- Curso de sutura
- Latest News & Updates
- Global Launch of Next-Generation Simulation-based Eye Surgery Training for Phacoemulsification
- Dan Thorpe as Chief of Marketing and Development
- HelpMeSee completes 1,000th training in 2022 in fight to eradicate global cataract blindness
- HelpMeSee Financial Statements 2020
- Contact Training
- HelpMeSee Announces Collaboration to Fight Global Cataract Blindness
- Simulation-Based Training System Leads to Fewer Errors in Real Life Cataract Surgery
- Value of simulation-based training for cataract surgery
- Dr. Van Lansingh Participates In United Nations “Vision for Everyone” Conference
- HelpMeSee Receives Donation from NEX Group plc on First NEX Giving Day in Hong Kong region
- Dr. M.S. Ravindra Receives Inaugural Excellence in MSICS Award from ISMSICS
- Wenzhou Medical University Launch Pilot for Innovative Simulation Training Program
- Donor Match Brings Opportunity
- Simulation-Based Training System Leads to Fewer Errors in Real Life Cataract Surgery Full Report
- Latest Research
- Stories of Hope
- El pionero MSICS de Burundi - Samuel Kwizera
- De la medicina general a la oftalmología - Anodine Daliko Nishimwe
- El oftalmólogo que cuidaba - Vianney Ntakirutimana
- ¡Debemos dar todo nuestro dinero a los ciegos!
- El granjero Paul, de Madagascar, puede volver a ver
- Creación de una unidad de oftalmología en Camerún
- Resolver la crisis de salud pública de la ceguera en América Latina
- Mi experiencia de voluntariado de dos semanas en HelpMeSee
- Volver a ver el mundo: La Dra. Danielle Beleho se entrena para devolver la vista a los cameruneses ciegos por cataratas
- Demostraciones del simulador de cirugía ocular HelpMeSee en el CCC 2019
- Q&A with Dr. Karla Pamela Gonzalez-Daher
- Encuentro con el Dr. Gao Weifeng: nuestro héroe cotidiano
- HelpMeSee celebra el Día Mundial de la Salud 2018
- Learning Faster and Reducing Risks
- Evolución del simulador de cirugía ocular de HelpMeSee
- HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulators Delivered to China
- Conozca al Dr. Min Gao de China
- Conozca a la Dra. Bidya Pant de Nepal
- Newsletter
- HelpMeSee News
- Donate to HelpMeSee
- Simulation-based Training Info
- Request Simulation-based Training Info
- Introducing Phacoemulsification on the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator Webinar
- Eye in 5 with Dr. Van Charles Lansingh
About Us
- Our Mission and Vision
- Our Mission and Vision II
- Nuestra historia
- Gobernanza y liderazgo
- Our Training Philosophy
- Our Medical Officers
- Cataract Surgery Course Locations
- Instructors by Training Location
- The Solution – Simulation-Based Training
- Why Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery?
- Advantages of a Simulation-based Learning System
- Cataract Blindness – A Public Health Crisis
- Gifts of Will or Living Trust
- Planned Giving Programs
- Gifts of Stock
- Contact Joy Chodan
- Instructors by Location
- Cómo ayudar
- Carreras profesionales
- FAQ About HelpMeSee
- FAQ About Donations
- Políticas de privacidad y seguridad de datos
- Declaración de derechos de los donantes
- Información financiera
- Standard Terms and Conditions
- General Terms and Conditions of Simulator
- Application Data Sharing Consent
- HelpMeSee Newsletter Subscription
- Donate to Restore Vision to the Cataract Blind