Doctors go into medicine for various reasons but mostly to help people. That is why Vianney Ntakirutimana from the country of Burundi in East Africa went into General Medicine. After taking his medical exams Vianney went into General Practice. Still, after meeting so many patients with eye disease and untreated cataracts, he did not feel like he could do enough. In Burundi, cataracts are the primary cause of blindness for those who are over fifty years old.

“There are roughly fifteen ophthalmologists in Burundi who can treat eye disease and remove cataracts for everyone in the country.”

Dr. Vianney Ntakirutimana

HelpMeSee trainee from Burundi

Burundi is not alone in this problem. Over 100 million people, most in the developing world, are either blind or severely visually impaired just because they cannot have their cataracts removed.

But HelpMeSee is changing that with our MSICS training program that uses our Eye Surgery Simulator and e-learning opportunities. This cannot happen without your contributions. The doctors who participate in the HelpMeSee training program are humanitarians like Dr. Ntakirutimana, who treat the poor. This is why we must support their training.

This year, 2020 has been challenging for everyone. We should still be grateful for what we have and help those who assist the less fortunate.

Dr. Ntakirutimana decided to make a difference when he signed up for the HelpMeSee Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS) training program at Wenzhou Medical University in China. You can make a difference too. Please help us train more doctors like Dr. Ntakirutimana, who treat the cataract blind in their local communities. 

I want to support the cataract surgery training of HelpMeSee trainees like Vianney Ntakirutimana with my tax-deductible, year-end gift to HelpMeSee.

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