HelpMeSee has been named a finalist in the 2016 Classy Awards, an annual event to recognize 100 of “the most innovative nonprofits and social enterprises.” This year’s finalists include organizations working across healthcare, education, employment and environmental issues. HelpMeSee was recognized specifically for its innovative approach to ending cataract blindness with an emphasis on surgical training.

Classy Awards Finalists are a prestigious group of nonprofits and social enterprises selected for their excellence in social innovation and ability to solve a social problem. This year, Classy had 1300 programs across all cause categories submit nominations, and the competition was at an all-time high. The application process was rigorous and intensive, and we were judged using stringent criteria that assesses an organization’s potential to solve a problem and innovative solution.

“The Classy Awards team spends a year extensively researching social innovations from around the world. We’ve been fortunate to discover some incredible organizations over the past few years, but this year’s pool of nominees is one of the strongest we’ve ever seen! We’re honored to play a role in convening leaders throughout the sector to recognize their efforts,” said Pat Walsh, Co-Founder and CIO of

Final winners will be selected from the group of nominees and announced at the Classy Awards and Collaborative conference to be held June 14 – 16 in Boston. We hope to see you there!

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