Schedule a time to demonstrate the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator at the 2019 Comprehensive Cataract Conference (CCC 2019) and 3rd Biennial Word Conference on Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery held on November 29 in West Bengal, India.

Attendees of the 2019 Comprehensive Cataract Conference (CCC 2019) will have the opportunity to demo the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator, that when fully developed and integrated within the MSICS Simulation-based Training Program (MSTP), will provide trainees with the opportunity to gain the surgical skills and knowledge required to perform the Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS) procedure. The HelpMeSee Simulator incorporates four integrated systems: graphics, physics models, haptic sensation components and a learning platform. 

Currently programmed with the MSICS tunnel construction task, participants using the HelpMeSee Simulator will understand how eye tissues respond to interactions with virtual surgical instruments when cutting, stabbing and injecting the Simulator’s eye. CCC 2019 is your opportunity to experience this technology.

In addition to Simulator demonstrations, HelpMeSee conference presenters will include Dr. Ashish Bacchav, HelpMeSee Instructor and Subject Matter Expert lecturing on, How to assess surgeries by trainees?  Dr. Chetan Ahiwalay will be discussing, Simulation, Curriculum, Training resources: A Wholesome approach – The HelpMeSee Way, and Dr. Jean-Marie Andre will speak on, ECCE to MSICS Conversion – Africa Experience. Exact times and dates for these talks are available on the CCC 2019 Conference Program. 

The HelpMeSee campaign and the idea for the Eye Surgery Simulator began in the late 1990s when Albert L. Ueltschi dedicated himself to fighting blindness in the developing world. The Simulator will be used to achieve the HelpMeSee vision to train local cataract specialists in MSICS, to address the shortage of cataract surgical services in the communities most impacted by cataract blindness. 

HelpMeSee is a cosponsor of CCC 2019 along with the International Society of Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgeons (ISMSICS). CCC 2019 will mark HelpMeSee’s second year of participation in this conference series.

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