We will use your donation to fund cutting-edge training of cataract specialists who can be the cure to cataract blindness in their community

Become a

Monthly Donor

With your generous monthly support, we can train more people in more places around the world to perform surgery on people living with cataract. Together, we can bring sight back safely and inexpensively to more people every day.  

Make a

One-Time Donation

HelpMeSee is committed to eliminating cataract blindness through the training of cataract specialists in Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery, the leading cause of blindness across the world. Your gift will restore sight.

Learn About

Planned Giving

Planned gifts make a lasting and meaningful difference. When planned properly, these gifts help to guarantee long-term sustainability of HelpMeSee while providing measurable financial benefit to you and your loved ones.

Corporate Giving

At HelpMeSee, we value our corporate partners’ commitment to social responsibility. 

We aim to understand each company’s philanthropic goals and provide customized opportunities to engage their resources in restoring sight to millions of these needlessly suffering from preventable blindness.

Corporations play a vital role in deepening the reach and impact of our work. When your corporation partners with HelpMeSee, you partner with communities on a local level connecting governments, healthcare systems, and non-profits to deliver sustainable solutions to better care and access to treatment in developing countries.

There are several ways for your company to become involved with HelpMeSee: donate gifts or services, matching employee contributions, sponsoring a HelpMeSee event or hosting an awareness day at your office.

Corporate Gifts

Giving to HelpMeSee can help fulfill social responsibilities demonstrating an organization’s commitment.

Cause Marketing

Enhance your brand and maximize your corporate reputation while helping restore sight all over the world.

For questions on Corporate Giving, please contact the manager of Annual Giving

Daniel Karl | [email protected]

Matching Gifts

Engage and inspire your employees to give by matching their donations

use the search bar below to see if your employer will match your donation

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

Do you need more information about donations to HelpMeSee? Would you like to send your donation question to HelpMeSee for a response?

Frequently Asked Questions About Donations to HelpMeSee

What type of surgery do you promote for cataract removal? Is this something that can be performed in the United States?

We support simulation-based training for Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery also known as MSICS. MSICS is an effective and cost-efficient procedure with similar outcomes to phacoemulsification; which is the cataract surgery usually performed in the United States and Europe. MSICS is better suited for developing countries where cost and limited supplies of electricity and medical equipment need to be considered.

Why does HelpMeSee support only the costs of training instead of paying for the cataract removal surgeries?

This crisis of cataract blindness is caused by the shortage of cataract surgeons. Hence, training addresses the root of the problem. Funds used to support cataract removal surgeries can treat only a fixed number of people. Those same funds used to train a cataract specialist will result in many more sight-restoring cataract surgeries. We want to equip the communities and their professionals with tools for addressing the problem of cataract blindness today and tomorrow. It is an issue of scale.

How can I get help with my cataracts if I live in the United States?

At this time we do not perform cataract surgery in the United States. We target our mission to solve the global crisis of cataract blindness toward individuals in the developing world with severe cataracts. Those residing in the U.S. may want to contact Medicare, Medicaid or private medical insurance plans for cataract surgery coverage information.

Additionally, these organizations provide free advice or may offer discounted cataract surgery care in the U.S.:

Cornerstone Assistance Network
3500 Noble Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76111
Phone: 817-632-6000
Fax: 817-632-7001

Lions Clubs International
300 West 22nd Street
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Phone: 630-571-5466

Vision USA
Phone: 800-766-4466
Web: www.aoa.org/visionusa

Mission Cataract USA
Phone: 559-797-1629

Eye Care America
Phone: 877-887-6327



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