Why Learn Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery?

HelpMeSee’s instructor-led Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery Simulation-based Training Course is an integrated simulation-based training course that includes the interactive MSICS eBook, facilitated discussions with a certified instructor, and guided sessions which allow trainees to acquire and expand their knowledge of the procedure , then develop and improve surgical skills through repeated practice on the Eye Surgery Simulator.
Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery Simulation-Based Training Course

This 4-day virtual-reality simulation-based training course is designed to develop and enhance MSICS surgical skills. Trainees receive over 24 hours of practice on the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator. The course covers all surgical steps required to complete the MSICS procedure and includes the interactive MSICS eBook and eLearning. It is beneficial for those interested in developing competency in or improving on existing MSICS surgical skills.
Key features include:
- Facilitated discussions with certified instructors
- Guided sessions to expand knowledge of the procedure
- Improvement of surgical skills through repeated practice on the Eye Surgery Simulator
The course is ideally suited for:
- Ophthalmology residents or fellows in process of learning or improving their MSICS skills
- Practicing ophthalmologists who want to learn or improve their MSICS skills
- Surgeons wishing to transition from Extracapsular Cataract Extraction (ECCE) to MSICS
Course Methodology

The MSICS Simulation-based Training Course leverages the power of simulation-based training on the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator to develop the surgical skills required to perform MSICS. Learning is achieved through a standardized curriculum and guidance from qualified instructors who provide a rich and interactive learning experience. Trainees accomplish guided activities designed to meet specific objectives at each stage of MSICS training.
Course Coverage & Objectives

The MSICS Course covers the knowledge, comprehension and competence in the following surgical tasks:

Creating a Scleral Groove
Tunnel Dissection
Making a Paracentesis
Injecting Viscoelastic
Entering the AC with Keratome

Making a Capsulorhexis
Performing Hydrodissection
Performing Hydroprolapse
Dislocating the Nucleus
Delivering the Nucleus

Removing the Cortex
Inserting the IOL
Dialing the IOL
Hydrating the Paracentesis Site
Frequently Asked Questions

- What language is the course in? The language of instruction is English. Instructors may also converse in the native language of the location.
- Do I have to be affiliated with a college? No. You do not have to be affiliated with any specific college or medical institution to enroll in this course. Individuals may sign up as a sole practitioner.
- Do I get a certificate? Participants receive a Certificate of Completion from HelpMeSee.
Please contact [email protected] if you have questions or concerns about the HelpMeSee course.
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Ophthalmology Simulation
Simulation-based Training Course | 5 Days
This Phacoemulsification simulation-based training course guides you through each stage of the procedure, from the clear corneal incision to nucleus emulsification, foldable intraocular lens implantation, and final closure of the surgery through wound hydration. Emphasizing hand-eye-foot coordination, the course provides essential skills for maneuvering instruments during surgery and controlling ultrasound energy with the foot pedal on the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator.
Course Brochure
Supplementary Courses
Supplementary Courses | 2 hours to 1 Day (depending on the course)
The cataract surgery Supplementary Courses leverage the power of the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator and seasoned instructor feedback to help trainees develop essential skills for managing surgical complications. The immersive, standardized curriculum offers a rich, interactive learning experience to ensure comprehensive training in advanced techniques.
Courses include:
- Posterior Capsular Rupture Management
- Zonular Dialysis Management
- Secondary IOL
- Small Pupil Management
- Suturing
Course Brochure
Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery
Simulation-based Training Course | 4 Days
This course offers comprehensive training on Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery using the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator. Trainees will learn the essential steps, including scleral tunnel incision, capsulorhexis creation, lens delivery, intraocular lens implantation, and wound hydration. Each technique is expertly demonstrated to ensure you gain the necessary skills and confidence to perform this procedure competently.
Course Brochure
Simulation-based Training Course (SSTC) | 1 Day
Suturing is a Basic ophthalmic surgical skill which is needed in most surgical procedures. Our comprehensive Suturing Course is designed to empower eye surgeons with the pivotal skill of suturing, applicable across all types of ophthalmic surgeries. No matter your area of specialization, learning to effectively suture a leaky tunnel is invaluable in managing critical complications such as perforations and tunnel wall lacerations.
Mastering this skill will allow surgeons to stabilize the eye, facilitating effective post-operative recovery. As suturing and restoring the eye is a crucial component of nearly every eye surgery procedure, we’re here to help you hone this indispensable skill and enhance the overall quality of your surgical practice. Get ahead in your career with proficiency in comprehensive suturing techniques.
Course Brochure
MSICS to Phacoemulsification Differences
Simulation-based Training Course (MPDC) | 4 Days
This MSICS to Phacoemulsification Differences Course course is a specially tailored simulation-based course for the Indian subcontinent where residents and trainees are often well versed in MSICS. This course builds on the surgical principles of MSICS and helps the trainee understand the adjustment and changes required in order to graduate to phacoemulsification. The areas of special focus in this course include phaco-instrumentation, phaco-dynamics and wound construction. Additionally, trainees will also learn the details of implanting a foldable intraocular lens. This course is ideal for trainees who are proficient in MSICS and wish to acquire the skillsets needed for phacoemulsification.
Course Brochure
Supplementary Courses
Supplementary Courses | 2 hours to 1 Day (depending on the course)
The cataract surgery Supplementary Courses leverage the power of the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator and seasoned instructor feedback to help trainees develop essential skills for managing surgical complications. The immersive, standardized curriculum offers a rich, interactive learning experience to ensure comprehensive training in advanced techniques.
Courses include:
- Posterior Capsular Rupture Management
- Zonular Dialysis Management
- Secondary IOL
- Small Pupil Management
- Suturing
Simulation-based Training Course | 5 Days
This Phacoemulsification simulation-based training course guides you through each stage of the procedure, from the clear corneal incision to nucleus emulsification, foldable intraocular lens implantation, and final closure of the surgery through wound hydration. Emphasizing hand-eye-foot coordination, the course provides essential skills for maneuvering instruments during surgery and controlling ultrasound energy with the foot pedal on the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator.
Please refer to our Application Data Sharing Consent, General Terms and Conditions of Simulator SBLS Use and Training Services Standard Terms and Conditions for important legal information about our courses.