Instructor-led Cataract Surgery Simulation-based Training with the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator

Courses We Offer: Ophthalmology Simulation
Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery
Simulation-based Training Course | 4 Days
This course offers comprehensive training on Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery using the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator. Trainees will learn the essential steps, including scleral tunnel incision, capsulorhexis creation, lens delivery, intraocular lens implantation, and wound hydration. Each technique is expertly demonstrated to ensure you gain the necessary skills and confidence to perform this procedure competently.
Course Brochure
Simulation-based Training Course | 5 Days
This Phacoemulsification simulation-based training course guides you through each stage of the procedure, from the clear corneal incision to nucleus emulsification, foldable intraocular lens implantation, and final closure of the surgery through wound hydration. Emphasizing hand-eye-foot coordination, the course provides essential skills for maneuvering instruments during surgery and controlling ultrasound energy with the foot pedal on the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator.
Course Brochure
Supplementary Courses
Supplementary Courses | 2 hours to 1 Day (depending on the course)
The cataract surgery Supplementary Courses leverage the power of the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator and seasoned instructor feedback to help trainees develop essential skills for managing surgical complications. The immersive, standardized curriculum offers a rich, interactive learning experience to ensure comprehensive training in advanced techniques.
Courses include:
- Posterior Capsular Rupture Management
- Zonular Dialysis Management
- Secondary IOL
- Small Pupil Management
- Suturing
Course Brochure
Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery
Simulation-based Training Course | 4 Days
This course offers comprehensive training on Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery using the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator. Trainees will learn the essential steps, including scleral tunnel incision, capsulorhexis creation, lens delivery, intraocular lens implantation, and wound hydration. Each technique is expertly demonstrated to ensure you gain the necessary skills and confidence to perform this procedure competently.
Simulation-based Training Course | 5 Days
This Phacoemulsification simulation-based training course guides you through each stage of the procedure, from the clear corneal incision to nucleus emulsification, foldable intraocular lens implantation, and final closure of the surgery through wound hydration. Emphasizing hand-eye-foot coordination, the course provides essential skills for maneuvering instruments during surgery and controlling ultrasound energy with the foot pedal on the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator.
Supplementary Courses
Supplementary Courses | 2 hours to 1 Day (depending on the course)
The cataract surgery Supplementary Courses leverage the power of the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator and seasoned instructor feedback to help trainees develop essential skills for managing surgical complications. The immersive, standardized curriculum offers a rich, interactive learning experience to ensure comprehensive training in advanced techniques.
Courses include:
- Posterior Capsular Rupture Management
- Zonular Dialysis Management
- Secondary IOL
- Small Pupil Management
- Suturing
Please refer to our Application Data Sharing Consent, General Terms and Conditions of Simulator SBLS Use and Training Services Standard Terms and Conditions for important legal information about our courses.
Simulation-based Surgical Training in Ophthalmology

Our training revolves around the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator, a state-of-the-art VR tool delivering high-fidelity realism. The simulator offers a controlled practice environment mirroring real surgery, aiding novice and experienced surgeons alike. Our Simulation-based Learning System features instructor-led courseware following standardized stepwise approach on cataract surgical procedures and surgical complications, fostering proficiency measured by objective scores. Certified mentors enhance the learning journey.
- Visuals
- Tactile
- Ergonomics
- Sound
- Hand-eye-feet coordination
- Performance data tracking
- Performance video tracking
- eBook pre-study
- eLearning
- Lab session
- Guidance by certified ophthalmologist instructors
- Peer-to-peer learning
- Facilitated discussions
- Debrief
Explore more about the advantages of simulation-based learning system

The HelpMeSee Simulation-based Training Program offers an authentic experience of live surgery, allowing for the scalable training of large numbers of cataract specialists.
The program builds transferable competency and reduces cataract surgery training time. The ophthalmology simulation-based courses allow cataract specialists to practice surgery and learn to address complications through simulation, rather than initially on live patients and their actual eyes.
Are you interested in HelpMeSee Simulation-based Training?


“At Columbia University, we have integrated HelpMeSee’s simulation-based training into our overall curriculum for our residents. Their model of an instructor-led course of concentrated, high-fidelity simulation training represents a paradigm shift in ophthalmic education that will make our residents stronger surgeons.”

Aravind Eye Care System, India

“HelpMeSee has a beautiful mission – to cure blindness – and an approach to simulation-based training that delivers a unique, immersive experience. The training intersects three key things: an instructor, who is a trained and experienced surgeon, that is coaching you every step of the way; a powerful simulator; and an eBook that is rich in assets for learning. The quality of the images and the haptic feedback creates a combination that is the dream team for anyone learning modern cataract surgery.”

Strasbourg University Hospital, France

“At Columbia University, we have integrated HelpMeSee’s simulation-based training into our overall curriculum for our residents. Their model of an instructor-led course of concentrated, high-fidelity simulation training represents a paradigm shift in ophthalmic education that will make our residents stronger surgeons.”

Columbia University Medical Center, USA

“After a hiatus, transitioning to my own practice led to a decline in my surgical skills. I regained confidence and expertise, thanks to expert guidance during immersive training at HelpMeSee. As a cataract surgeon, mastering MSICS through simulation enhances my ability to offer safer options for challenging cases, expanding patient care possibilities.”

“It was truly an amazing experience, and I am extremely impressed with the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator’s capabilities. The surgical simulation was incredibly realistic, with accurate tissue response and a genuine “feel” to the controls. I was able to adapt quickly to the simulation-based training environment and controls which made the experience immersive and enjoyable. I was particularly impressed with the feedback information provided by the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator including the dissection depth gauge and the blade angle indicator. These unique cues are incredibly helpful even for experienced surgeons, and I believe they can greatly improve surgical technique. Overall, this is hands down the best surgery simulator I have ever tried.”

Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

“I don’t think anybody with any number of years’ experience would be bored or find the course not valuable. What’s great about the instructors is that they have done cataract surgery several times which is invaluable. During the training, when we had questions that pop up, we can talk to the instructors and ask what did you do when this happened to you?”

San Juan, Puerto Rico

“It was an excellent program and it was like a condensed residency. It was great not only was the hands-on aspect extremely valuable, the ability to do repetition after repetition but because of the instant feedback. That is one of the most amazing things about surgery in general in the world of medicine – you get feedback. To have this instant feedback from the technical data from the machine, and from two experts watching with a wealth of knowledge providing feedback along with it. The consistancy and condense nature of it was invaluable.”

Lancaster, PA, USA