on the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator 

The HelpMeSee Supplementary Courses address multiple scenarios: *

1. Posterior Capsular Rupture Management Courses

Limbal Approach Course

This course covers the steps of performing an anterior vitrectomy with an automated vitreous cutter using a limbal approach.

Duration: Half-Day

Pars Plana Approach Course

The course covers the steps of removing a small lens fragment from the anterior chamber in the presence of a posterior capsular rupture, vitreous prolapse, insertion of a trocar-cannula through the pars plana region for a limited vitrectomy, additional anterior vitrectomy through the limbus, cortex removal, and insertion of a multipiece foldable IOL into the sulcus.

Duration: 1-Day

2. Zonular Dialysis Management Course

Zonular dialysis management using a capsular tension ring (CTR) followed by placement of a multipiece IOL in Sulcus.

Duration: Half-Day

3. Secondary IOL & Small Pupil Management Courses

Secondary IOL Placement Course

This course covers management of aphakia with the implantation of an anterior chamber IOL (ACIOL) with the focus on proper placement of the haptics in the angle.

Duration: 2-hours

Small Pupil Management Course

This course covers performing adequately sized and equidistant sphincterotomies on the pupil edge to achieve sufficient dilatation.

Duration: 2-Hours

4. Suturing Course

Secondary IOL Placement Course

This instructor-led course covers suturing a scleral tunnel. Gain cognitive skills and develop psychomotor skills by mastering the four crucial steps to suture a scleral tunnel.

Duration: Half-Day

*Each of the above-mentioned courses can be taken separately or more than one course can be taken in a single day.


The content of our Supplementary Courses equips trainees with the requisite knowledge and skills for mastery in a variety of surgical tasks. With the inclusion of additional modules, we ensure a comprehensive  understanding and skillset that prepares trainees for various surgical scenarios.

Courses We Offer:
Ophthalmology Simulation

Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery

Simulation-based Training Course |  4 Days 

This course offers comprehensive training on Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery using the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator. Trainees will learn the essential steps, including scleral tunnel incision, capsulorhexis creation, lens delivery, intraocular lens implantation, and wound hydration. Each technique is expertly demonstrated to ensure you gain the necessary skills and confidence to perform this procedure competently.


Simulation-based Training Course  |  5 Days

This Phacoemulsification simulation-based training course guides you through each stage of the procedure, from the clear corneal incision to nucleus emulsification, foldable intraocular lens implantation, and final closure of the surgery through wound hydration. Emphasizing hand-eye-foot coordination, the course provides essential skills for maneuvering instruments during surgery and controlling ultrasound energy with the foot pedal on the HelpMeSee Eye Surgery Simulator.


On-Demand and In-Person Demos are Available



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