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The Economic Impact of Preventable Vision Loss

The Economic Impact of Preventable Vision Loss

Most people are unaware that cataract blindness and visual impairment affects approximately 100 million individuals worldwide, (1) straining local communities where sight-restoring treatment is not accessible. In the realm of global health initiatives, it is common...
The MSICS Pioneer of Burundi – Samuel Kwizera

The MSICS Pioneer of Burundi – Samuel Kwizera

Samuel Kwizera knew he wanted to make a difference in his home of Burundi. He was a General Practitioner in the military and witnessed how bad eye disease and untreated cataracts were in his country. He wanted to do more, so Dr. Kwizera signed up for a class to learn...
Setting up an Ophthalmology Unit in Cameroon

Setting up an Ophthalmology Unit in Cameroon

Growing up in Cameroon, Dr. Jeanne Mayouego Kouam struggled with vision issues. Her father took her to visit an eye doctor where, in a very dark room, the doctor performed an examination called a retinoscopy. Retinoscopy is a technique used to determine the refractive...
Farmer Paul from Madagascar, Can See Again

Farmer Paul from Madagascar, Can See Again

I want to train a cataract specialist to restore vision to people just like farmer Paul. Donate Today! Our work training cataract specialists is life-changing. Last year, HelpMeSee Medical Officer, Jean-Marie Andre, launched a training program to teach African...